02 Jan 2020 | 0
How can you make evaluation an integral
part of your Product Development?
Making evaluation
an integral part of product development means evaluation should be a part of everything you do. Design your product by keeping evaluation at the core, collect data on an on-going basis and use these data
to continuously improve your product.
The benefits of implementing
such an evaluation system has many benefits such as:
However, the entire process of evaluation is dependent on communities of right people who could engage and give feedback at
every step. Engaging these communities in developing and implementing a product
evaluation program can improve the overall quality and effectiveness of o product.
Challenges of implementing an Evaluation
There are several challenges that must be overcome to implement an effective evaluation program. Namely:
'Evaluation Communities' at NUUPER
At NUPPER, we curate these
communities who can engage and share their feedback, inputs, opinions and ideas
at every stage of product development. These communities are groups of people
who share common interests, hobbies and are ‘product enthusiasts’ at heart!